
Upcoming Events
Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012
The Fearless Way Mini-workshop and Book Signing
Devi Yoga Studio
7151 Wilton Ave., Suite 103
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Discover the power of mudras and mantras to help manage stress, elevate your consciousness, and embrace joy. Celebrate the release of Susan’s new book.
• Connect with your own true nature…
• Attune to your own self-healing energy…
• Experience the reservoir of your inner peace…
To register for this workshop, contact Susan by phone (707-763-5326) or email.
Download a PDF flier for this event.
Past Events
Saturday, September 29, 2012 - Workshop in Orange County
The Fearless Way: The Transformative Power of Tibetan Mudras and Mantras
These beautiful mudras and mantras come from the Vajrayana lineage of Dakini Yuan Miao. In Vajrayana, beneficial hand gestures known as mudras and holy sounds known as mantras are closely related to powerful and transformative energy. When practiced as part of an integrated system with breath-work, visualization of light and colors, meditation and clear intention, they become secret codes that help us exchange and communicate messages with the universe.
• Learn to open your central channel to the universal energy source
• Connect with your true nature as a manifestation of the divine
• Increase your ability to attune to your own self-healing energy
• Create the opportunity for emotional, spiritual and physical healing
• Transcend worry and fear, reclaiming a life of joy and spontaneity
• Experience being relaxed, centered, energized, clear and balanced
• Cultivate outer peace through inner peace
• Enjoy a higher frequency of vibrational energy while elevating your consciousness
Discover the secret keys to help you live The Fearless Way with these powerful mudras and mantras.
The Goddess Temple of Orange County
17905 Sky Park Circle, #A,
July 5 - 8, 2012
Ashes to Ashes: Return of the Phoenix Intensive Retreat
Vajrapani Retreat Center, Boulder Creek, CA
Four days of dharma talks, Yoga of Joy, Mudras and Mantras, breathing, meditation, and movement.

June 3, 2012
Ashes to Ashes: Return of the Phoenix Workshop
Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, Ca
In this beautiful retreat center in the golden hills of Sonoma County, we focused on how the ashes in our lives actually become assets when we greet them with anattitude of "That's good!"

Feb. 17 - 20, 2011
Shiva Garuda Intensive Retreat
Vajarapani Retreat Center, Boulder Creek, CA. We spent four days in the beautiful mountains above Santa Cruz, cultivating a set of tools to renew and recharge, helping us meet the challenges we face with calm and equinimity.

Feb. 13, 2011
Rising Inner Peace Workshop
Bodyworks Yoga Studio, Petaluma, CA. Introducing the beautiful Shiva Garuda breath and meditation practice.
Sept. 11 & Sept. 19, 2010
4th Annual Phoenix Rsing Concert
Marin Civic Center and Berkeley

Mar. 25 - August 26, 2010
Rudramandir, Berkeley, CA
Weekly Blue Pearl workshopsexpanded into the East Bay for five months.

Jan. 5 Feb. 23, 2010
Managing Winter:
Practical Techniques for Health, Vitality and Stress Management
Jan. 5: The Stomach - How to Release Worry and Anxiety Part 1
Jan. 19: New Breathing & Movement Technique - How to Release Worry and Anxiety Part 2
Jan. 26: The Work Body - How to Release Computer-Related Strains and Tension
Feb. 2: The Hungry Body - How to Relieve Cravings and Regulate Weight
Feb. 16: The Aging Body - How to Maintain Health and Vitality as We Age
Feb. 23 - Integrating Weeks 1 - 5 - How to Maintain Harmony and Balance
Nov. 3 Dec. 15, 2009
De-stress the Holidays:
Practical Techniques for Health, Vitality and Stress Management

Nov. 3 - The Liver: How to Release Anger
Nov. 17 - The Lungs: How to Release Sadness
Nov. 24 - The Heart: How to Harmonize Our Energy
Dec. 1 - The Kidneys: How to Overcome Fear
Dec. 15 - The Endocrine & Hormonal Systems: How to Achieve Balance
October 17, 2009
Healing Energy Practices Introductory Workshop
The workshop was a big success, with a lot of practices practiced and an abundance of shared joy. Here are some photos of the event. Click on an image to see a larger version.

September 19, 2009
3rd Annual Phoenix Rising Concert
The concert was a great success. Click here for information.
June 13 - July 3, 2009
Loving Tara accompanied Yuan Miao, Dai-Dai, Saturn, and Wei Da to Beijing for the week-long workshop. It was attended by 70 particiapants from all over China, Taiwan and other parts of East Asia.

Following the Yoga of Joy Workshops, several members of the class were joined by a group from Taiwan for a pilgrimage to Wutai Mountain, one of the four most sacred Buddhist sites in China. It is believed that Manjusri, the Boddhisattva of wisdom, resided in the many caves around the mountain, and the shrines and temples there remain some of the oldest wooden structures in the world.